Let’s face it. Those dental bags you get at the end of your visit are like the free gift with purchase of a clean mouth. You already know what’s in them (floss, toothbrush, paste), but you still can’t wait to get that dental goodie bag of love.
What if the whole concept of those bags was thrown on its head? Picture it: you’re pulling that paper towel-thing off your chest, eagerly waiting for your free toothpaste, when…what the…OMGeeee! It’s a Lululemon bag, only with smile-infused quotes all over it. But wow, it’s so cool! You’ll totally use that to tote stuff around town. And what’s inside? A water bottle? Cool travel toothbrush cover? This isn’t dental floss…it’s a pocket mirror! Cool!
People love free stuff. And when they get your super-charged goodie bag, they’re gonna tell their friends (who also have teeth). Sound good? Whether your budget is small or large, here are 9 ways to infuse some ‘WOW!’ into your practice.
- Upgrade your tote! You don’t need to spend tons of money or buy thousands of reusable bags to get a cute, on trend dental bag to hand to your patients. But keep in mind that the bag you choose will have your branding on it, and will be carried all over town—so make sure the bag you choose is in-line with your logo, office colors, and marketing message.
- Go custom! We have a lot of dental clients who do choose fully-custom laminated bags so they have total control over the branding. With this option, you’re looking at three months lead time and a 2500 minimum order—so make sure you have a game plan for storing them!
- Don’t forget the toothbrush! It’s totally silly, but everyone comes to expect that toothbrush! It’s easier than ever to choose brushes in colors that complement your other marketing efforts (like your bags!). Unified messaging is key to attracting new patients. Ok, maybe it’s bedside manner, talent, and word of mouth, but you know what we mean!
- And throw in some floss. Because, gum health.
- Make it fun! Fara Floss-It can help. The kids will LOVE it. Who are we kidding? The adults may love it more!
- There’s a place for everything…and that should include your toothbrush. Right? I mean think about that nice new toothbrush being thrown—unprotected—into a bag. Ugh! Toothbrush cases are inexpensive, have wide appeal, and are always used!
- Don’t throw money away! There are tons of dental items out there that are super cute and fun (tooth stress reliever, anyone) that really serve no purpose other than to take your money. If you’re thinking of a non-traditional item, why not choose something like a tooth-shaped jar opener? It’s an item that everyone keeps around and will get tons of use. And it can provide good traction for yanking out loose teeth. Kidding, kidding!
- Sugary drinks are teeth’s kryptonite. So help your patients consume heathy liquids with a retail-inspired water bottle! When you offer up a Tritan bottle with volume markers, an insulated water bottle, or a simple bike bottle, your patients will be more inclined to consume the good stuff. And it’s all thanks to you!
- Help them avoid embarrassment. A folding mirror is perfect for purse or pocket and can avoid that awkward “Do I tell her there’s a black thing in his tooth?” moment right before the job interview of a lifetime. That would have been offered to her because of that exceptionally bright smile. Only there was that black thing that was so distracting. Bummer.
We know you’re going to ask: Why only nine things? Such a weird stopping point. Listen. Everyone loves nice round numbers. So cliché. So we’re doing 9. To infuse some ‘Wow!’ into our list. We could have stopped at seven, so in a way you’re getting two bonus ideas. Like a free gift for reading all the way to the end!
Seriously, though, dental bags ARE valued by your patients, so make sure they—and what’s in them— work for you by boosting your practice. A happy patient is a loyal patient!
Interesting Post! thanks!