All posts by Bulletin Bag

What Do Recycled Bags with a Logo Mean to Us?

Recycled bags with a logoDoes a new year mean a renewed interest in environmentally friendly marketing programs? We’ve definitely noted an uptick of clients interested specifically in recycled bags with a logo, and we’re hoping this is one trend that won’t fade away as the year progresses.

We take recycled bags very seriously around here. Sure, there are LOTS of bags with some teeny tiny small little percentage of recycled content. Some companies may claim them as recycled bags, which technically has truth to it. However, our conscious decision is to have our Recycled Materials bag category only contain bags that are primarily comprised of recycled materials. Continue reading

What’s New in 2017 with Promotional Bags?

We’ve just returned from our annual trek to the largest industry trade show of the year. In addition to walking more than 6 miles (!) of trade show floor, we spent the week brainstorming ways to make 2017 our clients’ best year ever! There are some pretty great things happening with promotional bags, and we are excited to be the first to tell you about them!

Here are our top three discoveries from the event that will transform your next branding project:  Continue reading

Custom Tote Bags: La Boîte Case Study

Custom Tote Bag La BoîteSince our USA-made custom tote bags are cut and sewn to order, we can often make modifications to the size, shape, or features of the bag.

La Boîte took full advantage of this. The company created a custom bag unlike any we’ve ever done before (which is how it should be!), and Christian Leue, Office Manager at La Boîte, took a moment out of his busy holiday season to talk to us about the company’s project! Continue reading

Five Years Later…Still Using Plastic Bags for Good!

6658-tps-mats-3It’s December, the season of giving. While we hope to consider those less fortunate all year long, we thought now was a great time to remind you of the good that can come from plastic bags.

Wait…what? Those trashy plastic bags are good? Really? Now, we didn’t say that. But as long as those pesky single-use bags are being used, there will be ways to spin them into something good. And by “spin” we mean it literally! Continue reading

Custom Reusable Bags (and Bottles and Basics): Top 8 Signs of a Successful Project

In September, Promotional Products Association International completed a study of more than 1,000 consumers to provide insight into the behaviors of the recipients of the custom reusable bags, custom water bottles, and other promotional items that you buy from a company like us. Well, we hope it’s us. But we digress…

The study found a year-over-year increase of the overall advertising reach of promotional products (hint: It’s higher than any other form of advertising that provides daily exposure!). Five in 10 consumers polled stated they encounter promotional products “most of the time or at all times per day”. Need more insight into turning your custom reusable bags project into money well spent? Consider the top 8 reasons why the people surveyed hang onto promotional products: Continue reading

Custom Printed Grocery Bags & Bag Bans = Opportunity!

viba533-both1Custom printed grocery bags. If you live in California, you’re going to start seeing a LOT more of them! Why?

On election day, voters in that state approved a state-wide ban on plastic bags! The ban took effect immediately (which by the way is pretty speedy government work, if you ask us!) and passed with over half the voters favoring it!

So why are custom printed grocery bags going to be a “thing”? Since the legislation requires consumers at grocery stores and many retail stores to bring reusable bags with them or pay to buy new recycled or reusable bags, everyone will start carrying them! That means that there’s a huge opportunity for organizations of all types to use custom bags as a marketing vehicle.  Continue reading

Top 6 Best-Selling Custom Bags for College Students

bestseller_adAs we’ve mentioned before, we have lots of clients that work at our nation’s colleges and universities. In looking at product sales over the last week, not only did we discover some pretty cool trends with water bottles (read more here), but we also noticed that there is a similar gravitation in this industry towards certain bags—and they weren’t the ones we would have guessed!

Here are Bulletin Bag’s top six best-selling custom bags for college students!  Continue reading

Insulated Tote Bags: The Just-Right Size for Everyday Life

Insulated Drawstring ToteInsulated bags. Even if you’re not a “reusable bag person,” you likely have at least a few floating around somewhere. Lunch bags, soft-sided coolers, wine totes—these are all insulated and meant to keep the contents cold (or warm) for extended periods of time.

What if you don’t need to tote large amounts of food, like when you go grocery shopping, but even your biggest lunch bag is just too small? Our insulated tote bags fill that gray area, and with several styles available, you’ll find the perfect one for your branding!

Our newest offering in this category is the Insulated Drawstring Tote. We have to be honest—this bag has gotten mixed reviews from our staff testers. One hated it, while the other continues to love this bag. Seem fishy? Nope! Bag tastes ultimately boil down to personal preference and application. Case in point: Continue reading

Custom Lululemon Bags: Manifesto Designs or Artwork?

Custom Lululemon Bags with Manifesto
Our orthodontics client created their own dental manifesto design!

It used to be that the iconic Luluemon bags were exclusive to the brand. But, manifesto designs aren’t just for Lululemon bags anymore! Do you have a lot to say? Want to shout and whisper at the same time? Designing custom Lululemon bags with your organizations messaging as a manifesto could be the perfect option!

Our custom Lululemon bags have grown exponentially in popularity over the past few years, and the super-creative ways our clients promote their organizations with these bags has become inspiring!

Make no mistake: these bags aren’t solely for manifestos, or word cloud-type layouts. From one color to stunning photography, two colors to vibrant artwork, our clients’ creativity shows in every bag. Continue reading

Best Custom Shopping Bags: Road Trip!

See that crossbody bag at Niagara Falls? There’s a Medium RuMe in there!

I recently traveled across the country with some of our staff’s favorite bags in tow. Two weeks and 3000 miles later, I definitely have an opinion on our best custom shopping bags on our site. My needs may not match yours, but I can say without a doubt that these are my three favorite bags…and are worth their weight in gold. They don’t weigh much, but, um…you get the idea!  Continue reading