Our custom insulated bags are hard working at any time of year. That’s part of the reason they’re always in demand. The Cooler Tote Bag is a newer addition to our lineup, and has been added in part because its shape is unlike most insulated bags on the market.
Our Cooler Tote Bag is so much more than just a tote. Our staff tester discovered that it’s the perfect size for so many uses, because it can fit much more food than it appears! Its non-traditional tote shape means it can easily go from market to picnic to dinner party and not feel like you’re toting a grocery bag around town. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, of course!
The feature our staff tester liked the best? For her, it was hands down the nylon reinforced, long handles that fit over her shoulder for easy carrying of all those goodies! But the Velcro front pocket was a close second. This somewhat unexpected feature makes it easy to stash a list, glasses, or keys for easy access. Also, she likes that it folds up somewhat flat for storage when not in use, or even looks nice hanging on a hook by the door.
There are a few things she would change, however, given the chance. The Cooler Tote Bag currently comes in only two colors. While black is a neutral that works for many, it’s not an ideal color for everyone. And the vibrant blue is lovely, but may not work for an organization with strict branding guidelines. Also worth noting is that while this tote is durable enough to carry grocery loads, a bottom insert is not available. Our tester thinks that it would have made heavy items slightly easier to tote. She is quick to add, however, that she didn’t have any noticeable issues toting anything specific.