Still not convinced you’ll see a great ROI on a custom-logo shopping bag promotion? The last week has seen corporate giants reverse their stance on reusable bags and further their dedication to green by offering incentives to the end users for remembering their bags—meaning now’s the perfect time to be proven wrong.
Westport is the first town in Connecticut to ban plastic bags, which has resulted in a 70 percent increase in people bringing their reusable bags since the ban has been in effect. One of the sponsoring representatives of the bill, Liz Milwe, was quoted in the NY Times as saying, “The greatest thing that happened was after the six-month period was over, Stop & Shop, who originally opposed the ban, had people clapping when customers remembered their reusable bags.” Way to put aside your opposition to see the forest for the trees, so to speak!
Jeffrey Weiser, another of the four sponsors estimates 600,000 fewer plastic bags have been used since the ban started. Under the new regulation, the town can impose a $150 fine on businesses that distribute plastic bags.
Target is now giving a $0.05 credit for each reusable bag you use in its stores. They don’t care where the bag came from or whose logo is on it (even yours!). This news has heated up the blogosphere! Just this incentive alone has created a HUGE PR buzz about Target’s dedication to eliminating plastic bags. I bet the $0.05 incentive is cheaper that a lengthy PR and advertising campaign that may or may not result in customer loyalty the way this reusable grocery bag promotion will.
CVS is in the process of rolling out a new card program, Green Bag Tag. It costs $0.99, which gives you a leaf-shaped scan card that you attach to a reusable bag. Each time you visit CVS and bring your reusable bag, your Green Bag Tag is scanned. For every fourth scan, the consumer earns a $1 Extra Care Buck. Incentive to bring your reusable shopping bags results in an incentive to return to the business. What a great way to build loyalty while being environmentally conscious!
How does all this this increase your ROI on a reusable bag promotion ? Every bag you custom imprint with your company’s logo or message is out there somewhere. They have not been thrown away. You better believe people are remembering their reusable bags—screenprinted or not—and that means YOUR message is being flashed around town more than ever!