More and more cities in California have joined the reusable grocery bag movement—enough to prompt a second look by the state’s legislature. With West Hollywood’s recently passed bag ban, there are now over 10 Southern California municipalities that have approved local ordinances that regulate plastic bag use—with two more going into effect this year.
Other cities, including Los Angeles, are considering bans as well, and are at various stages of the process. If the L.A. ban is proposed and approved, the city will be the largest in the country to ban plastic bags.
Efforts at a statewide ban have failed to pass several times, but proponents are hopeful—especially in light of the success of municipality bans in California.
Southern California Public Radio has a cool interactive map that shows all of the plastic bag bans in Southern California, with details on each ban. If you live in the area, check it out!
Here’s hoping that this map could some day be a thing of the past with a state-level ban!