Here at Bulletin Bag, we hand select every single item that you see on our site. This means we take the time to research, order samples, personally test the bags, and more to see if it meets our high-quality standards. We are proud to offer you the bags that we do! We constantly stay updated on new product releases in the market, and we’re so excited to highlight some of our new product offerings here! We’ve added over a dozen new products to our site, and we can’t wait for you to check them out. Here are some of our favorites: Continue reading
New Arrivals: Shop Our Newest Bags!
Vendor Highlight: Supporting Those Affected in Ukraine
We work with really great vendors between our three sites, and over the years we have cultivated close relationships with them to ensure high standards for the products we offer. We know how important it is to work with vendors who have the same values we do and who take pride in their work. We hand pick every single product on our site because of this! With a lot going on in the world, we wanted to highlight some great things our vendors are doing and how they’re showcasing their values by helping those affected in Ukraine. Continue reading
The Best Reusable Produce Bags
We know how popular reusable grocery bags are nowadays given the plastic-bag bans and consumers’ trend towards more sustainable habits. These bags are all over the grocery stores and pretty much anywhere you go! So, what about reusable produce bags then? These seem to be less common in the grocery stores. A lot of places still offer single-use plastic produce bags, which are wasteful and hazardous to our health. This is a great opportunity for custom promotional produce bags that people can use to limit their plastic consumption while keeping their produce safe and fresh. Let’s check out what we believe are the best reusable produce bags below! Continue reading
Staff Review: Therm-o Super Tote
Our Therm-o Super Tote is a popular bag for a lot of reasons, and today we’re going a highlight exactly why our Marketing Assistant, Ashley, loves this bag so much! The Therm-o Super Tote features a three-sided top that zips completely closed to keep contents hot or cold. This bag also can hold quite a bit because of that top zipper. It offers more carrying capacity that the original Therm-o Tote (even though it has the same dimesions), plus it has a front pocket. This front pocket creates even more room for additional storage space! Continue reading
Five Drawstring Backpack Promotions That Create Buzz
Drawstring backpacks are a promotional products staple, especially this time of year as the weather warms up and more people are getting outside! They’re a classic bag style that seems to be timeless. Maybe it’s because they can be used for so many different occasions.
There are countless ways to incorporate drawstring backpack promotions into your marketing mix—no matter what your organization represents. The imprint area on these bags is large, making it the perfect canvas for all sorts of artwork! Here are five ways to create a buzz and jumpstart your next promotion with drawstring backpacks: Continue reading
Stay Cool at the Pool: Custom Insulated Bags for the Summertime
The warmer weather is finally here, and summer months are right around the corner! This means lots of hot days spent at the beach, in the park, or enjoying the sun in your own backyard. Don’t be left melting in the sun without a good, insulated bag at your side! We’ve all been there: drinking a warm beer, ice cream melting down our hands, or sticky popsicles all over the place. No thanks! Having quality custom insulated bags for the summer is a must in our book! And don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with a variety of high-quality bags to keep your favorites cold all summer long! From small personal totes to large full cooler bags, we’re sure to have the one for your project. Continue reading
5 Summer Events to Show Off Your New Promotional Products
Are you looking to invest in new promotional products but not sure where to start? Are you feeling uninspired or even overwhelmed by all the options you see out there? There are a lot of different products to choose from and it can be overwhelming when trying to narrow down your project and plan a marketing campaign. But you’re in luck, because our team of experts is here to help! If you’re in a creative rut and not sure where to turn for ideas, then look no further. We’ve created a list of 5 summer events that you can use to promote your organization or brand. They’re the perfect opportunity to showcase your new merch and create something your audience will love! Continue reading
Happy Earth Day!
Here at Bulletin Brands, we value sustainability a lot. It’s a big reason why we love what we do so much …we know that our products help keep single-use items out of the landfills. Educating people on the importance of reusable bags and water bottles is a big part of what we do! We know that there’s a lot of work to be done with regards to climate change, but we love playing our small part and we strive to be better each day! Continue reading
Custom Reusable Shopping Bags Are a Must for Small Business Owners!
Are you a small business owner who is looking for a way to increase your reach without spending crazy amounts of money on ads? From one small business to another, we understand the pickle you’re in. It’s more important than ever to differentiate yourself and get your message in front of the right people. A unique way to do just that is with the help of promotional products. Specifically, custom reusable shopping bags. No matter the industry you’re in, promotional products can help you reach your goals! Continue reading
Custom Reusable Bags and Beyond: Wedding Favors for Any Budget
You’re getting married. Congratulations! You may be just starting to think about planning your dream wedding (or maybe you’ve been thinking about it for a while!) and there are so many details to consider—venue, flowers, photography…the list seems never-ending. The good news is that we can help alleviate one of those items on your checklist: wedding favor gifts! Continue reading