You’re getting married. Congratulations! You may be just starting to think about planning your dream wedding (or maybe you’ve been thinking about it for a while!) and there are so many details to consider—venue, flowers, photography…the list seems never-ending. The good news is that we can help alleviate one of those items on your checklist: wedding favor gifts! Continue reading
Custom Reusable Bags and Beyond: Wedding Favors for Any Budget
Custom Gift Bags: Perfect for Artists!
Are you an artist who is looking for a new way to showcase your artwork? Maybe you’re looking for a new and unique product to offer your clients? Look no further than custom gift bags! These bags are fully customizable and allow you to transform a painting or picture into a beautiful bag for your clients. They’re extremely versatile and can be utilized by both you and your customers in so many ways! Continue reading
Earth Month Reflections: Could You Lead A Plastic-Free Life?
You may have read the title of this blog and immediately thought “no way”. In today’s world, this seems like an almost impossible task, and one that many people may think is not worth it. All you have to do is start thinking about commonly used items to realize that plastic is everywhere. Whether its single-use or reusable, plastic has become a pillar of our society. So how do you even start living a life that’s free of plastic? As we approach Earth Day, let’s talk about ways we can make influential change on an individual level. Continue reading
Bring Your Vision to Life with Fully Custom Reusable Grocery Bags!
Reusable grocery bags are everywhere these days. No matter where you go, you’re sure to see one being used or sold. Reusable totes have swept the market due to the plastic bag bans in a lot of cities and consumer trends towards more eco-friendly alternatives. With any popular item, there are high-quality and low-quality options on the market. There are numerous options for style, color, design, and more. So how do you create a bag that will
stand out? Continue reading
The Best Custom Promo Bags for Beach Days!
Is it too early to be thinking about summer? Not in our opinion! After a long winter and many cold months, we’re celebrating that springtime is here! We know it’s important to plan marketing campaigns ahead of time (especially given supply chain difficulties in recent months) so we already have our eyes set on ideas for summer! If you’re looking for perfect custom promo bags for the beach, then look no further. These are perfect for brands who work with or at the beach or are looking to market to people who love spending time outdoors! Continue reading
5 Reasons We Love USA Made Bags
If you’ve ever browsed through our site before, then you probably noticed that we have quite a few bags that are USA made! This is something we are very proud of and love to share with others. Don’t get me wrong, we’re proud of all our bags (did you know our team hand picks every single item on our site?) but today we’re going to highlight some of the reasons we love our USA made bags. Continue reading
Staff Review: Mesh Produce Bag
Plastic bag bans have become extremely common in most places, making reusable grocery bags a necessity for us! Reusable bags are an amazing step towards living sustainably, and another step we take is by using reusable produce bags as well! Single-use plastic bags are wasteful and for a lot of produce, they’re unnecessary. Our Marketing Assistant, Ashley, tried out our Mesh Produce Bag for herself and found that they were extremely useful for a lower-waste grocery haul!
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Find the Perfect Food Delivery Bag for Your Biz!
We know that food delivery bags and other related merchandise have become increasingly popular within the food industry over the last few years. With an obvious decrease in people going out to eat (thanks to pandemic life), there was a need for restaurants to be able to deliver directly to their customers. That’s where food delivery bags save the day! Investing in quality custom food delivery bags can make or break the delivery process. Continue reading
Organic Cotton: Is it Worth It for Reusable Bags?
Cotton is an extremely popular material for reusable bags (and other products) on the market. From towels to bedding to clothes and more, cotton has become a staple in many households. It’s known as a natural and
sustainable alternative to plastic and other not-so-eco-friendly materials on the market, but many questions come up about organic versus conventional cotton. Is organic cotton more sustainable? It is higher quality? At the end of the day …does it really matter? Continue reading
Most Influential Promo Products of 2021: Yes, Custom Bags Made the Cut
Are you thinking about working with promotional products as part of your next marketing campaign? Are you wondering what items may be a good fit? Or maybe you’ve worked with them in the past but want to know what’s worth it this time around. Whether you’re new to the promotional products world or are a well-seasoned pro, we are here to help you create the most effective marketing project we can! Let’s dive into the data from this past year to learn about the most influential promo products! Continue reading