The Standard Reusable Gift Bag is smaller than most of the bags our staff tester has. Read why size isn’t everything in a reusable bag!
I have found many uses for the Standard Reusable Gift Bag! It’s got a full, 3-sided gusset, and is about the size of a standard paper gift bag. I found that it can be used for gift wrap, for a quick lunch or snacks, or even for a reusable litter bag in the car (this is how my husband reuses this bag). The smaller size also lends itself to organizations that need a bag to hold a few items, but don’t want them to be lost in an oversized bag.
The Standard Reusable Gift Bag is made of 80 GSM nonwoven polypropylene, which is slightly lighter weight than our grocery totes. However, since the bag is small, you likely won’t be putting anything too heavy in it. So the weight of the material is not an issue–it seems plenty durable for the size.
There is an optional plastic insert for the bottom of the bag, which may help slightly with stability, but in most cases it’s not needed (it really depends on how you use the bag).
The imprint area is pretty good on this one. A full 6”x6” print area is not bad for a small bag! It can also be printed in full color process, which is also a plus.
Overall I think this bag is great for people looking for a smaller size promotional tote!