Teacher appreciation week is May 8th-May 12th, and whether you’re celebrating during that time or looking ahead to the end-of-school-year celebrations, promotional products like custom reusable bags are perfect for celebrating teachers and school staff alike! There are a lot of different directions you can go in, but let’s check out some of our favorite bags for this season. Teachers play an incredibly important role for our children and families, so let’s give them something they will love and use not just during the school year, but all summer long too! Continue reading
Tag Archives: Custom Reusable Bags
Custom Reusable Bags for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Client Highlights: Custom Bag Projects We Are Loving!
We work with a very wide range of clients in hundreds of different industries across the country. We love seeing all the amazing work they do, from nonprofits to corporations, large companies to small start-ups, big city festivals to small town events and more. Our team loves getting to help them design and create stunning custom bags for their audiences, and so now we want to show them off! We’ve showcased some client highlights before, and now we have more recent client projects that we want to share! Continue reading
Our Favorite Custom Reusable Bags for Coffee Shops!
We work with lots of clients across many different industries …from small businesses to large companies, from schools to retail shops, and everything in between. One industry that we see quite a bit is coffee shops! We love helping clients like these create unique promotional products for all the regulars that come into their shop. Custom reusable bags are just one of the many different promotional items that are perfect for showcasing your café’s personality. Continue reading
5 Tips for Finding Your Perfect Custom Reusable Bag
We know it can be overwhelming to start a promotional products project. There are thousands of different products out there that can be customized, and it’s hard to know where to start. It seems that everyone has something you can slap a logo onto and start selling. But to create custom promotional products that are effective and meaningful for your brand, it takes much more intention than that. Let’s take custom reusable bags for instance. What do you do when you decide that bags are the product you want to create? We’ve compiled our top 5 tips to help you start your project and see it through! Continue reading
Start Off the Fall Sports Season with Custom Team Bags!
With the school year starting up again and kids heading back to class, a new sports season is here as well! Fall sports like soccer, volleyball, football and so much more are starting off their seasons across the country. Whether you’re a coach, a player, a parent, or a fan, everyone knows how important team merch is for morale! Arguably one of the most important items for the players are the team bags! Continue reading
So Much More Than Bags: Let’s Talk About the Top 3 Custom Apparel Trends!
Did you know that Bulletin Bag is only 1 of 3 branches of Bulletin Brands? We have thousands of different products between our sites that will fit almost any occasion. One category of products that is super popular within the promotional products industry: apparel. And Bulletin Basics is the site for that! Over on Bulletin Basics we have everything you need to create custom apparel to showcase your brand or organization perfectly. But you may be wondering what kind of apparel and designs are worth your time and resources. Let’s talk about custom apparel trends of 2022! Continue reading
Prioritize Sustainability with Reusable Bags
Summer is in full swing, which means hot (and for our team here in Maine…humid) days are here to stay. Nicer weather means that more people will be adventuring outside and enjoying the fresh air. People will be taking their drinks, snacks, and outdoor essentials on the go with them outside, meaning that they’ll be using a bag when packing up for the day or grabbing a bag at the store when they pick up their essentials. But what kind of bag are they reaching for? Unfortunately, for many it’s still a single-use plastic bag rather than reusable bags. Continue reading
Canada Schedules Single-Use Plastics Ban
Over the last decade or so, we have seen consumer trends and priorities shift heavily towards sustainability. Environmental groups have urged government officials across the globe to prioritize sustainable practices on every level as climate change continues to be one of the biggest threats current and future generations. Although this measure has moved slowly at the government level due to a variety of reasons, progress has continued to be made over time. One concrete step towards a more sustainable future has come from Canada, as they publicly schedule a ban on popular single-use plastics to take place over the next few years. This is a huge undertaking and will hopefully result in reduced waste across the country! Continue reading
Clean Beaches Week: Head to the Beach with Custom Reusable Bags!
Clean Beaches Week is July 1-7! It’s an entire week every year that is dedicated to celebrating our beautiful beaches and highlighting the importance of keeping them clean. Here in Maine (where our team is headquartered) we have some absolutely gorgeous beaches, so this idea hits close to home! Every time I step foot on a beach, I’m reminded just how incredible planet Earth is and how lucky I live where I do. Continue reading
Client Highlights: Recent Custom Bags We Love!
We work with a lot of amazing people and organizations who have great ideas, and we are lucky enough to help them bring those ideas to life! From insulated bags to small pouches and everything in between, we love seeing the different ways people customize these products! We want to take a minute to highlight some recent client projects we’ve completed lately; in case you need some inspiration for your next custom bag! (Plus, it gives us a chance to show off some amazing projects!) We know it can be helpful to see these products ‘out in the wild’ so to speak rather than a picture on a website. We hope these custom bags help spark inspiration for your next project! Continue reading