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Category Archives: Promotion Ideas

Promotional Bags for Summer Camps!

promotional bagsAs the school year comes to a close and the summer months are finally here, many kids and their families are making plans for summer ahead! Summer camps are a popular activity for many kids of almost any age! Whether it’s a sports game during the day or an overnight camp for a week, custom merch like promotional bags are a great way to create community and to advertise your camp or organization all summer long! Let’s take a look at some of our favorites for the summertime activities we have coming up! Continue reading

Custom Reusable Bags for Teacher Appreciation Week!

Teacher appreciation week is May 8th-May 12th, and whether you’re celebrating during that time or looking ahead to the end-of-school-year celebrations, promotional products like custom reusable bags are perfect for celebrating teachers and school staff alike! There are a lot of different directions you can go in, but let’s check out some of our favorite bags for this season. Teachers play an incredibly important role for our children and families, so let’s give them something they will love and use not just during the school year, but all summer long too! Continue reading

Custom Drawstring Bags for Summertime!

Summertime is right around the corner (kind of), and our team here at Bulletin Brands can’t wait! We’re excited for beach days, afternoons by the pool, ice cream, hikes, and all the fun activities that summer brings. With all these activities and nice weather, we of course end up spending more time outside and on the go. Whether you’re driving kids around the sports games or hosting a summer picnic outside, custom drawstring bags are a great tool to utilize during this season! Continue reading

Custom Bags: Create Meaningful and Effective Employee Gifts

There’s a lot that goes into recruiting and retaining top talent no matter the industry you’re in. Arguably one of the most important questions to consider when talking about retaining employees, is how do we create a culture and environment that employees will want to stay with? While there are many different answers to that question, one way of creating a positive and strong team culture across the board: showing your employees you care and value them as individuals. Employee gifts like high-quality custom bags and other meaningful promotional products are a great factor to consider when discussing this subject. Continue reading

Promotional Products for Gen Z: Everything You Need to Know!

We know the power of promotional products. We can point to concrete examples and see the tangible impact that they can have for marketing a brand or message to almost any audience over decades. But with a Gen Z entering the workforce, many people are asking: is there still a place for promotional products? And if so, what do we need to know when marketing to this new demographic of employees and consumers? Well don’t worry, because at Bulletin Brands we live and breathe promotional products, which means we have all the information you need to move forward with your marketing campaign. Let’s get into it! Continue reading

New Year, New Products: Custom Merch for Retail Shops! 

small businessThe new year is a great opportunity to release new products to your retail shop, or to add new versions of an already existing product! After the rush of the holiday season, people who received gifts are heading online or to the malls to do their returns or use those gift cards they received. Wow your audience with new custom merch like reusable bags and pouches …things they can use all year round! Continue reading

Kick Off the New Year with Custom Promotional Products! 

custom promotional productsAnd just like that we’re welcoming in a new year! We know it’s hard to believe, but as we enjoy the holiday season in full swing, a brand-new year is right around the corner! This is a very busy time of year, we get it, but don’t forget to plan ahead and start thinking about your marketing campaigns for the new year. Custom promotional products are just the thing to help you kick the new year off right. 2023 is going to be a great year, so let’s check out so items that we think are perfect for new year’s resolutions! Continue reading

Custom Kitchen Essentials for the Holiday Season!

The holiday season is in full swing and with that comes parties, events, dinners, and more! Whether you’re hosting or are a guest, having the perfect custom kitchen essentials make the holiday season go much smoother. They’re perfect for gifts, employee appreciation, giveaways, and more this holiday season. We compiled a list of our favorite custom kitchen essentials from Bulletin Basics for you to check out. We have you covered for the big holiday dinner! Continue reading

Custom Promotional Products: A List of Your Winter Essentials

Custom promotional products are highly seasonal, meaning that it is crucial to pick products that are relevant for the season you’re in, along with being useful to your audience of course. It wouldn’t make sense to launch custom fleece blankets in June, or beach bags in November. As we head into the cold months ahead, you may be wondering what kinds of products we would recommend for the winter season. Well, we have compiled a list of some winter season items that we think are perfect this time of year …and we’re going to share it with you! Continue reading

Reusable Grocery Bags: Essential for the Holidays!

ithaca hummusWe know this time of year gets busy with the holidays just around the corner. Corporate events, family parties, lots of travel, shopping, and so much more fill our calendars. With all the hustle and bustle, we know it’s important to have the right gear to get you through! Reusable grocery bags are an essential part of the holidays, from transporting food and drinks to parties, grocery shopping for the big dinner, or giving gifts in a custo Continue reading