Insulated bags. Even if you’re not a “reusable bag person,” you likely have at least a few floating around somewhere. Lunch bags, soft-sided coolers, wine totes—these are all insulated and meant to keep the contents cold (or warm) for extended periods of time.
What if you don’t need to tote large amounts of food, like when you go grocery shopping, but even your biggest lunch bag is just too small? Our insulated tote bags fill that gray area, and with several styles available, you’ll find the perfect one for your branding!
Our newest offering in this category is the Insulated Drawstring Tote. We have to be honest—this bag has gotten mixed reviews from our staff testers. One hated it, while the other continues to love this bag. Seem fishy? Nope! Bag tastes ultimately boil down to personal preference and application. Case in point: Continue reading