Bulletin Bag works hard to earn our clients’ trust. Our ability to deliver high-quality reusable bags to you is enabled in part by the long-standing relationships we have with our factories. These factories monitor production and regularly test our bags to ensure compliance with the CPSC and CPSIA regarding lead levels. Despite what you might have heard, not all reusable bags contain lead, and you can rest assured that the reusable bags you purchase from Bulletin Bag will comply with all CPSC and CPSIA guidelines for safety.
In addition, the majority of our reusable bags are printed in the United States, even if the bag itself is made overseas. This allows us to better monitor and control the inks used for printing, while allowing us to offer lower minimums and faster turnaround times. We also carry reusable bags made in the USA.
Only very large quantity orders (generally 5000+) and some custom bags are printed overseas. Bulletin Bag’s overseas partners are extremely reputable and are required to randomly test and provide results on their reusable bags and screenprinting inks. For additional peace of mind, when printing overseas clients have the option to have their custom reusable bag order specifically tested for lead content.
Bulletin Bag customers may request documentation of past test results at any time.